Inner Healing Leads to Freedom

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom  for the prisoners, recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”   
Luke 4:18-19 (Quoted from Isaiah 61)

You can be FREE!

These words of Jesus are expressions of God’s desires, intentions, will, and love.  When we obey in prayer, we are in him, engaging his power toward his ends.  We serve a mighty God, who is in us and delights in empowering our service!

At Deep Healing Ministries of Atlanta, our mission is to:

  • Glorify God and unleash his people through healing prayer and deliverance.
  • Educate, train, equip, coach and encourage other believers to do the same.

What is inner healing?

On our journey, we accumulate a lot of garbage that can clog our lives.  The garbage may include wounds that we receive from others, guilt from wrong things we have done, generational factors that bind us, vows or curses that bind us, and (for some) engagement in occult activities.  For the follower of Jesus Christ, this garbage can be healed by bringing it all to Jesus and letting him take out the trash!  It is astonishing how much freedom a person can experience through inner healing!

What is deliverance?

Sometimes garbage that needs healing opens windows that allow a demonic presence.  While our Western culture is skeptical of the existence of demons, they are actually quite common; they are masters of deception and usually hide their presence very well.  Generally, they are not the base problem, but they aggravate and magnify the problem to create disruptions and destruction in people’s lives.

Demons are like rats, usually attracted by and drawing their strength from the garbage.  When the garbage is removed, their strength is gone, and it is easy to command them to leave in the name and authority of Jesus Christ.  This also increases personal freedom tremendously.  Commanding demons to leave following removal of the garbage is generally a peaceful, quiet process.  Demons are not hard of hearing; many of the more sensational “exorcisms” are not necessary.  We follow a peaceful, quiet approach, facilitated by thoroughly dealing with the garbage.




About Us

Deep Healing Ministries of Atlanta, Inc, (DHMA) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit ministry

Although most seminaries make no mention of healing and deliverance, there are many scholarly and articulate writers and teachers in this area. (See Resources and Extended Resources tabs under Awareness & Training Menu)

Our primary approach uses the model outlined by Dr. Charles Kraft in his book Two Hours to Freedom.  A professor of anthropology at Fuller Seminary, Dr. Kraft became interested in healing and deliverance by participating in a seminary course on Signs and Wonders taught by John Wimber.

Having completed more than 3000 individual appointments for healing and deliverance, Dr. Kraft has written extensively, including I Give You Authority, Christianity with Power, Deep Wounds Deep Healing, Defeating Dark Angels and, of course, Two Hours to Freedom.

Rich Gartrell is the organizer and primary facilitator in DHMA.  Rich grew up in Brazil where his parents were Presbyterian missionaries for 30 years.  At age 18, he left Brazil to attend Wheaton College.  While at Wheaton he met his future wife, Mary.  Upon graduation he entered the Army, serving as an Infantry Officer and as a helicopter pilot in Vietnam.

After Vietnam, he earned an MBA at Harvard, then continued briefly there as a junior faculty research assistant in agribusiness.  He has since been engaged in various business activities.

Rich and Mary have six children, three of them in full time Christian work.

In October, 2014, Rich was part of a group that brought Dr. Charles Kraft to Atlanta to present his Two Hours to Freedom seminar.  Since then, Rich has  actively engaged in healing prayer and deliverance sessions, and in teaching, encouraging, and coaching others.

What we do:

  • Conduct individual prayer appointments for inner healing and also deliverance if needed.
  • Raise awareness, educate, train, equip, coach and encourage others.


Historically, inner healing and deliverance have been two different approaches. Through education and awareness, we bridge the gap between the two, showing how to combine both in either a “mainline” or a charismatic church setting.  Especially in “mainline” churches, we explain the combined approach in ways that people completely unfamiliar with either approach can understand.

Training and Equipping

Because we believe that inner healing is for everyone, we offer training, sessions, and seminars for those who are interested in learning more so that more people can be reached and live abundant lives in Christ.


Awareness & Training

A large part of our mission is to raise awareness, educate, train, equip, coach and encourage others to do the work of the ministry.

“Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field.” He called his 12 disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.

Matt: 9:38, 10:1



Much of the church, both “mainline” and charismatic, but especially mainline, has little or no awareness of the field of inner healing and deliverance. Furthermore, some sensational or flaky practitioners have created a justifiable wariness for church leaders.

DHMA will meet with individuals and church leaders, explaining this kind of ministry and encouraging them to explore it further, both with us and on their own.

Dr. Kraft’s writings combine an evangelical Biblical perspective, academic rigor, vast personal experience, and good readability.

Training and Equipping

Our primary approach to training has been the presentation of Dr. Kraft’s Two Hours to Freedom DVD series. This shows Dr. Kraft himself presenting a seminar, explaining how to do inner healing and deliverance. The set consists of six presentations of about one hour each, plus the video of an actual two-hour healing and deliverance session with a client.

As we originally presented the seminar, there were two one-hour sessions on a Friday evening. Then on Saturday morning, there was one session, followed by the two-hour healing time. Saturday afternoon there were three more one- hour sessions.

We have presented it this way, with an opportunity for questions and discussion after each session. We have also presented it as one session per week, followed by discussion and time for participants to process what they have seen and heard.

If you would like to find out more about our training, please go to the contact section so that we can schedule a date for a session or seminar. 


Whatever your concern may be–whether past pains or sickness in your body– Jesus can heal it all if you will bring it to him. It is astonishing how much freedom you can realize from inner healing.

What takes place in an inner healing and deliverance session?

In a typical appointment:

  •  A prayer team of two or three people will participate.
  • The person coming for prayer (healing) will be asked to complete a questionnaire and waiver-of-liability form, then send or bring the forms for the appointment.
  • During the appointment, for the first 20 to 30 minutes we discuss any questions the client has or that the prayer leader has, getting acquainted and addressing concerns or objectives.
  • For the next hour or so, the prayer team will invite the Holy Spirit to bring to mind things that need healing, usually moving through the person’s life in more or less chronological order.
  • During the last half hour or so, the prayer leader may challenge suspected individual demonic presences, and if they are present, command them to leave. Although the deliverance may be intense, it is generally quiet and subdued and has no dramatic or embarrassing activity.

*Frequently one session is sufficient, but sometimes two or three may be needed.

How do I sign up for my inner healing & deliverance session?

Submit a request for an application through our contact page, and we will send you back an application and release-of-liability waiver. Upon receiving the application, we will schedule a session with you.

We understand the importance of your concern, and we will get back in touch with you as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience in waiting for our response.

Contact Us

Hi There,

We are looking forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to get in touch via the form below; we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Deep Healing Ministries of Atlanta
674 Monticello Way
Marietta, GA 30067